Xavier Pastor Environmental Activist, Spain
Xavier Pastor earned his degree in Biological Sciences, Zoology, from the University of Barcelona. His professional career began in the Spanish Oceanographic Institute where he worked as fisheries biologist for 11 years. He headed this organisation as Executive Director for over 15 years, coordinating the Greenpeace Mediterranean Project in Italy, Greece, Malta, and Tunisia. He received the National Environment Award from the Spanish Government in 2002 He is involved in many oceanographic campaigns and projects concerning fisheries, sailing as an observer aboard many fishing. He regularly participates in scientific conferences within the framework of International Council for Exploration of the Seas, General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, International Whaling Commission, among others. He has also published hundreds of scientific and technical studies about fisheries and books concerning environmental protection. xavierpastor50@gmail.com
Brokerage Event, Panel 6