Pre-conference Session, PhD Workshop

Sunday March 11

15:00- 18:00    Workshop 1

Writing for the Industry: Papers and PhD Theses

Alan Fyall, University of Central Florida, USA

Writing for the Industry: Papers and PhD Theses

This workshop is aimed at PhD students and published authors in the fields of tourism and hospitality who are keen to leverage maximum impact from their theoretically-based investigations. Building on the conceptual and empirical foundations of their studies, this workshop will introduce why, how, when and where the transfer of knowledge is appropriate to academia and industry, the means by which it can be communicated (and to which audiences), and the benefits such intelligence transfer brings to the academic robustness and real-life relevance of their work. The need for doctoral and other studies to conclude with theoretical, methodological, policy-related and professional industry contributions is to be encouraged with the transfer of knowledge facilitating the seamless impact of research on professional practice.




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