Concurrent Sessions, Panel 8

14:30 Concurrent Sessions

Panel 8 – Room Eivissa A

Chinese Outbound Tourism: Practical Implications for Businesses

Philip Pearce, Moderator

James Cook University, Australia

Implications from the Latest figures: New Directions in the Chinese Outbound Market

Wolfgang Arlt

West Coast University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Cultural Insights about the Chinese for Business and Marketing

Carol Zhang

Portsmouth University, UK

Changing the Experience Design: The Sun and the Chinese Tourists

Philip Pearce

James Cook University, Australia

Bridging East/West Perspectives

Jafar Jafari

University of Wisconsin-Stout, USA

Workshop 3 – Room Eivissa B

How to Develop and Operate Local Action Groups

Luis del Olmo

President, 2018 t-Forum Conference

Miguel Payeras

Managing Director of Balears.t, Spain

Paper Session 6 – Room Eivissa C

Innovation in Tourism

Joan Garau, Chair

The University of the Balearic Islands, Spain

Limiting Overtourism: The Desirable New Behaviours of the Smart Tourist

Philip Pearce

Hotel Industry Technology and Innovation Systems: Next-Generation Technologies with Value

Mahdi Rahimi Pordanjani

Introduction of Qanat as a Worth-considering Resort in Iran

Esmaeil Sangari, Mahmoud Mohammadi

Blockchain in Hospitality Industry: Challenges or Opportunities for Hotels?

Andriew Lim

Old Wine in New Bottles: Innovating the Experience of Opera with Augmented Reality Technology

Alessandra Marasco, Barbara Balbi





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