Julio Batle Program Co-Chair

Julio Batle

Julio Batle’s degrees and positions include Program Co-chair of the t-Forum Conference 2018; economist (1991); MBA (University of Middlesex,1992); PhD (UIB Business Department, 1996); certificate in strategic management (Cornell University, USA); Beca Secretaria General de Turismo (1994); certificate  of hotel management (Hotel School Lausanne 1995); Instituto de Empresa (1994, 1995, 2006); since 1991 professor in the Department of Business, University of the Balearic Islands, lecturer in entrepreneurship and strategic management, Titular Director of UIB Entrepreneurship Chair (2007-2014), Director of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Baleares (since 2017); visiting professor of several universities in Europe; consultant to public and private organizations;co-promotor of innovation projects and start-ups; and has published more than 20 articles and book chapters in international peer reviewed periodical. His main research interest include entrepreneurship, innovation in tourism, and meaningful toruism.


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