Concurrent Sessions

17:00  Concurrent Sessions

Open Space – Room Eivissa A

Building Bridges between Academia and Industry



Paper Session 2 – Room Eivissa B

Challenges and Opportunities of Mature Destination: The Case of Algarve, Portugal

João Albino Silva , Chair

University of Algarve, Portugal


Searching for New Products for Slow Tourism in Algarve

Ana Beatriz Jesus, Júlio da Costa Mendes, Maria Manuela Guerreiro, Bernardete Sequeira


Tourist`s Security and Safety Perceptions in Algarve

Guilherme Castela, Maria Brás, Nuno Silva


Birdwatching in the Algarve, Portugal

Pedro Pintassilgo, Patrícia Pinto, Andreia Sofia Costa, António Matias


The Expenditure Profile of Second Home Tourists: The Case of the Finns in Algarve

Sirpa Uimonen, Rui Nunes


Effects of Arbitration on the Competitiveness of the Stakeholders in the Algarve

João Vidal, João Albino Silva, Guilherme Castela


International Best Practices Rules on Tourism Companies

Afonso Café, João Albino Silva, Eugénia Ferreira


Paper Session 3 – Room Eivissa C

Cultural Tourism

Alexandre Panosso Netto, Chair

Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil


The Footprint of Ethnic Women in the Community through Crafts for Tourists:

A Case of Baluchis, Iran

AhmadReza Sheikhi, Ali Movahed


Striking a Balance between Consumption and Conservation:

Promoting Sustainable Behaviors of Heritage Visitors

Alessandra Marasco, Piera Buonincontri, Haywantee Ramkissoon


Empowering Small Rural Communities through Heritage Tourism

Mercedes Aznar, Hilde Hoefnagels


The Impact of Tourism in the Reduction of Gender Inequality

Ruhet Genc


Management of Cultural Heritage: Governance in Cultural and Tourism Policies in Natal

Maria Augusta Wanderley, Seabra De Melo, Maria Lúcia Bastos Alves



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